Christmas CRAFTfest Stalls
Coral Team part 4
Thank you for visiting my CRAFTfest stall today, I hope it has made you smile :)
Bliss Stamped Jewellery Stall
I personally hand stamp each necklace you see. I use mostly sterling silver - which means you are getting a high quality necklace. I include a polishing pad with all my Sterling Silver orders. I love special requests and will customize any piece to say whatever you like.
Catherine Bonham Jewellery Stall
I make special, beautiful and fun to wear jewellery. Because they are my personal creative expression, my pieces will always be unique, and one design will never be exactly as another. Because my jewellery is handmade and different, it doesn't look like it came from the high street. It gives me great pleasure to know someone is wearing and loving my creations.
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